Our Market Insights department studies and monitors agri-food markets, particularly for fruit and vegetables from member countries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States. Our Research and Innovation Brokerage department also monitors TRACES interceptions and RASFF notifications of these products when they are imported into European markets.
This information is disseminated via interactive dashboards and market studies.
To learn how to use the dashboards, we invite you to watch the short video below.

Click on the titles to open the dashboards.

How to use our dashboards
Click on the titles to open the dashboards.

EU+UK – World trade in agri-food products
World Agrifood Production and Trade (ACP Focus)
Evolution of notifications and interceptions of horticultural products entering the EU and UK markets
Market studies
COLEAD’s Market Insights department regularly produces and publishes market studies and profiles. Here are some examples. The documents are available in the library.

Our database on Good Agricultural Practices
We have also developed a Crop protection database where you can select a crop and an active substance to obtain information on GAPs that ensure compliance with the European Union (EU) Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) and the Codex Alimentarius MRL. Additional information such as the type of pesticide, the EU status of the active substance, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended classification and the resistance group (FRAC code for fungicides; IRAC classification for insecticides) can also be obtained.