As a private sector association (not-for-profit), our purpose is to facilitate and implement actions allowing to increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. COLEAD designs and manages development programmes in the agriculture and food sector. On line and in the field, we supply technical assistance, vocational training and support services covering research and innovation brokerage, monitoring of regulations and standards, market insights, networks and alliances, and access to finance.

COLEAD works in the low and middle income countries with a specific emphasis in African Caribbean and Pacific countries.

The programmes managed by COLEAD are funded by donors (mainly the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States). COLEAD also contributes to programmes implemented or co-financed by other donors, including the French Development Agency (AFD), the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF), Enabel (the Belgian Development Agency), and the UN Industrial Organization (UNIDO).

Programmes managed by COLEAD

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