Fit For Market SPS

Strengthening sanitary and phytosanitary systems of the ACP horticultural sector


The Rapid SPS Assessment Tool (R-SAT) provides a simple model to manage the complex process required to strengthen SPS systems in ACP countries to meet international standards. An effective national SPS system is essential to protect the health and safety of consumers and to control the risk of introduction or spread of pests, by assuring the safety of imports and exports as well as foods produced both for domestic consumption and for export. COLEACP uses R-SAT to improve the design and planning of SPS activities, to ensure the consistency of actions carried out in partner countries, to follow progress on projects, and to monitor the results obtained.
COLEACP’s experience of using R-SAT in ACP countries has indicated that it could be of wider value in the context of assessing and strengthening national SPS systems. The tool takes into account the need to go beyond scientific, technical and financial considerations, and to include the range of human and organisational factors that often cause delays, bottlenecks or even failures of an SPS system when they are not adequately addressed.
The video conveys the key messages of the tools as an integrated change management model which enhances the facilitation of dialogue and engagement between and among key stakeholders, both public and private.
Sustainability Self-Assessment System (SAS)
To date, close to 400 individual projects with stakeholders from the ACP horticultural sector are being implemented through the FFM SPS programme. All available financial resources have been committed.
New requests for support can be submitted by Q2 2022 via the Fit For Market Plus Programme.