Towards a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system: Addressing compliance with European Union regulatory and non-regulatory measures
5 years
This 5-year, €7 million information programme provides enhanced data and knowledge to developing and emerging countries, covering EU policies, regulatory and non-regulatory measures, standards and market trends that have a potential impact on the competitiveness, market access and trade dynamics of agricultural value chains linked to the EU market.
AGRINFO is funded by the European Union and implemented by COLEAD.
- Identify and monitor EU policies, regulatory and non-regulatory measures, standards and market trends in agriculture and agrifood that have a potential impact on competitiveness, market access and trade dynamics in partner countries
- Generate and disseminate accessible, regularly updated digital information on conditions and requirements – environmental, social and economic – for EU market access and competitiveness
- Capture evidence of the evolving impacts of these conditions and requirements on agricultural value chains in developing and emerging economies
- Contribute to information sharing and engagement among stakeholders to ensure better understanding of the potential implications and opportunities of new policy and legislation, and to inform policymaking and standard-setting processes
- Offer targeted information on demand, to inform the design of strategies and actions to minimise or mitigate negative impacts, and to leverage opportunities
Who will benefit?
Direct partner beneficiaries:
- Competent Authorities at national/regional level in partner countries, including relevant sector line ministries as well as official controls, and national SPS Committees
- Business membership organisations (BMOs) and national farmer organisations in partner countries and the EU
Indirect partner beneficiaries, in partner countries and the EU: local and international consumers; rural communities; private sector operators (including MSMEs and small-scale growers) in agricultural value chains from production to retail; national/regional technical working groups; public-private stakeholder platforms; certification and standard-setting bodies.
Monitor and document EU policies, regulatory and non-regulatory measures, and standards that have a bearing on agricultural value chains in partner countries supplying the EU market
Evaluate new, upcoming and amended EU regulatory and non-regulatory measures to assess the potential social, economic and environmental implications for agricultural value chains in partner countries
Disseminate this information to all relevant stakeholders